Saturday, November 2, 2013


Course: Practicum in LPSCS

Lesson objectives:
  • Demonstrate positive work behaviors and attitudes
  • Evaluate the work behaviors and attitudes of peers
  • Create two example scenarios of work behaviors (one positive and one negative)
  • Create a work behavior evaluation
  • Give and accept constructive criticism about work behaviors of self and others
Instructional Strategies:
  • Class discussion
  • Direct lecture
  • Group projects
  • Individual projects
Prior knowledge:
  • Goanimate software
  • Basic knowledge of rubrics and rubristar
  • Show a you tube video illustrating inappropriate work behavior and discuss it with the class (5 minutes)
  • Give a brief lecture about Employment Skills (5 minutes)
  • Have each student create a rubric assessing employee work behaviors using (25-30 minutes)
  •  Divide the class into small groups. Have each group discuss and review the rubrics created by the students within the group. Each group should select their best rubric. Then have the class select the best of the best rubrics. (10-15 minutes)
  • Have each group create two scenarios using that illustrate work behaviors (one negative and one positive). (The maximum length of a scenario is 5 minutes each, 10 minutes total). (50 minutes)
  • Have the students present their scenarios to the class Have the students in the audience use the selected rubric to evaluate the behaviors of the employees in the student created scenarios. (50 minutes)
Materials needed:
  • Computer with Internet access and computer-based presentation software
  • Computer projector and screen
  • Access to a computer lab or laptops with Internet access 
Technologies used:
  • Discussion Rubric
  • Group Evaluation Rubric
  • Presentation Rubric
  • Role Play Rubric

Name:                                                                           Date:                                  

Discussion Rubric
Objectives (5 pts. each)
Participates fully in the group discussion

Encourages others to join the  discussion

Keeps the discussion progressing and on topic

Shares thoughts actively

Gives credit to others for their ideas

Respects the opinions of others

Involves others by asking questions or requesting opinions

Expresses thoughts and ideas clearly and effectively

Listens attentively

Interjects appropriately/does not interrupt

Total Points (100 pts.)


Name_______________________________   Date________________

Group Evaluation


Did the group take the assignment seriously?
No                                                                                                       Yes
1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10

Could you tell what the group was trying to portray?
No                                                                                                       Yes
1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10

Was the group portrayal creative?
No                                                                                                       Yes
1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10

Did the group include the correct elements?
No                                                                                                       Yes
1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10

Would you like to see this group demonstrate their talent for you in the future?
No                                                                                                       Yes
1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10

Total Score_______

Name_______________________________   Date________________

Presentation Rubric
Objectives (20 pts. each)
·   Topic discussed completely and in-depth
·   Includes properly cited sources (if used)

·   Integrates a variety of multimedia effects to create a professional presentation (transition and graphics) or appropriate visual aid used
·   Title slide, table of contents, bibliography are included, using acceptable format

·   Grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization are correct
·   Image and font size are legible to the entire audience

Oral Presentation
·   Communicates with enthusiasm and eye contact
·   Voice delivery and projection are dynamic and audible

Audience Interaction
·   Presentation holds audience’s attention and relates a clear message
·   Clearly and effectively communicates the content throughout the presentation

Total Points (100 pts.)


Name_______________________________   Date________________

Role Play Rubric
Objectives (10 pts. each)
Relates to the audience

Provides fluent rendition of the scenario

All required content is included

Acts with feeling and expression

Varies intonation

Presents characters appropriately

Gives the scenario its full range

Breaches are easily identified

Meets all objectives of the activity

Works as a member of the cast/team

Total Points (100 pts.)


TPACK Glogster Activity

Sunday, October 27, 2013

TPACK Lesson Plan Draft

Course: Practicum in LPSCS

Lesson objectives:

  • Demonstrate positive work behaviors and attitudes
  • Evaluate the work behaviors and attitudes of peers
  • Create two example scenarios of work behaviors (one positive and one negative)
  • Create a work behavior evaluation
  • Give and accept constructive criticism about work behaviors of self and others

Instructional Strategies:

  • Class discussion
  • Direct lecture
  • Group projects
  • Individual projects

Prior knowledge:
  • Goanimate software
  • Basic knowledge of rubrics and rubristar
  • Show a you tube video illustrating inappropriate work behavior and discuss it with the class (5 minutes)
  • Give a brief lecture about Employment Skills (5 minutes)
  • Have each student create a rubric assessing employee work behaviors using (25-30 minutes)
  •  Divide the class into small groups. Have each group discuss and review the rubrics created by the students within the group. Each group should select their best rubric. Then have the class select the best of the best rubrics. (10-15 minutes)
  • Have each group create two scenarios using that illustrate work behaviors (one negative and one positive). (The maximum length of a scenario is 5 minutes each, 10 minutes total). (50 minutes)
  • Have the students present their scenarios to the class Have the students in the audience use the selected rubric to evaluate the behaviors of the employees in the student created scenarios. (50 minutes)
  • Discussion Rubric
  • Group Evaluation Rubric
  • Presentation Rubric
  • Role Play Rubric
Materials needed:
  • Computer with Internet access and computer-based presentation software
  • Computer projector and screen
  • Access to a computer lab or laptops with Internet access
Technologies used: